Explore a FREE demo of the Vericant Online Portal

To start a free demo with Vericant please contact customer_care@vericant.com.

Take an unedited look at each of your applicant’s speaking, writing, and thinking skills.
Instantly filter thousands of applicants by spoken English ability.
Eliminate countless hours of coordinating and conducting applicant interviews.
“At a time when Ursinus College was expanding its recruitment efforts in China and tightening its international admission standards, Vericant served as a perfectly engineered tool to help the college reach an ultimate goal of enrolling more well-prepared, highly engaged Chinese students. Without Vericant, the story of Ursinus’ international recruiting would be much different, and likely much less successful.”
Cara Maria Cambardella

Assistant Director of Admission & International Liaison, Ursinus College

“I had been very interested in finding a way to better manage and evaluate the many Chinese applicants pouring into my office. After hearing about Vericant, I was skeptical their service could help me, but I decided to give them a try. I’m so, so happy I did. We’re quickly finding the mission-appropriate students in our applicant pool, I’m able to focus my time yielding these applicants, and as a side benefit, I’m literally saving months of my staff’s time.”
Ben Douglass

Director of Admission, Saint James School